
Frequently Asked Questions about Garment Steamers


Frequently Asked Questions about Garment Steamers 1. Wh […]

Frequently Asked Questions about Garment Steamers
1. When using the steamer for the first time, there is generally a gurgling sound, and some have a plastic smell. What is the reason for this?

The first problem is because when the cold water from the water inlet enters the heating pot for heating, the sound caused by the pressure after the water boils, the sound produced by the hose interface and then to the nozzle, this is a normal phenomenon, this is your You only need to lift the water tank for a while, and then put it on and the gurgle will disappear without turning off the power. At the same time, please pay attention to the use of the steam pipe as straight as possible. The higher the air pipe is, the straighter it will be, the quieter the sound of the steam will be, and the more curved the air pipe, the louder the sound. The second one is why there is a plastic smell. No matter what brand of garment steamer is, when the new machine is unpacked, it will smell a little plastic. I suggest you put it in a ventilated place to let it release steam before using it for the first time. When you use it, try to avoid the plastic smell.

2. The solution to the dripping water when the steamer is used.
The dripping water when the steamer is in use may be mainly caused by the following two situations:
①. The ironing machine does not reach the operating temperature before ironing. The correct method should be used after the steam is evenly distributed!
②. The inclination angle of the ironing brush of the hanging ironing machine is too large or the ironing brush is used upside down: when the steam reaches the ironing head through the air duct, part of the steam will condense into condensed water, so be careful not to keep the ironing head below the level for a long time when using it. Bit 30°. This way there will be no dripping problems.


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